Funny Airport Pickup Signs Captured on Camera
Arriving at the airport after being away from home for a significant amount of time can be quite emotional, especially if you know there is someone special waiting for you on the other side of those sliding doors. Airports have this overwhelming aura to them, since they reconnect loved ones that have parted for a while. But as much as they could sometimes make us wish we could bury our head in the sand and move past the embarrassment they put us through on a daily basis, there is no equivalent to landing in your hometown and knowing someone out there has been waiting for your return all this time.

Never Liked That Couch Anyway
Dogs are adorable, and there is a reason we refer to them as man's best friend - they love us unconditionally and will risk their own lives to make sure we are safe.

For this reason, we let a lot of things slide. We let go that tiring training period where dogs relieve themselves around the house, and you need to watch your every step. This sign is yet another example of dog shenanigans, but all in all, it's just good to be home.
It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
This grandpa is always the romantic, looking for unique ways to surprise his special lady. He always puts 100% into his surprises, as can be seen from the photo below.

He practically built a portable bar and attached a sign to it reading "National Margarita Day." The man really went all out to make his wife's return a fun and memorable one, so all that's left to say is we hope we'll get that too some day!
With F.R.I.E.N.D.S Like These
Those who have not seen one of the most well-known TV shows to ever air will not understand the humor behind this quirky sign.

But to be completely fair, if you have not watched Friends, missing out on the joke is no one's fault but your own. Even the guy in the picture holding the sign, has his cultural references locked down, so sit down and wait for reruns, it won't be a problem to find episodes to watch.
Trust No One
We are going to place our bets on the fact this woman did not get the memo that some things should not be announced to the entire world.

Considering the fact she just outed her friend by holding up a sign that reads, in capital letters, "congratulation on completing rehab," it is best to take into account that she should most likely not be trusted with personal information. That way, next time you need a ride, maybe it'd be best not to share where you're coming back from.