These 25 Genius Uses For Baking Soda Actually Work

Is there anything that baking soda can’t do? It seems like this compound, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can pretty much be used for any purpose.It will even help you solve certain problems in your car! Check out some of the best examples.

It Helps Whiten Your Teeth

We spend so much money in an attempt to make our teeth white and clean, baking soda is actually an effective alternative. It’s an easy method: apply some baking soda to your toothbrush and start brushing away.

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It Helps Whiten Your Teeth

Preventing Trash Cans From Smelling

It’s inevitable – your trash can is going to start to stink when it’s full enough. Instead of giving your trash can a spring cleaning every weekend, you can simply apply some baking soda and it will rid the vessel of any strong odors. It’s pretty simple. The next time you unload the trash can and replace it with a new bag, sprinkle some soda at the bottom and your can will smell as good as new.

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Preventing Trash Cans From Smelling Off

It Can Clean Your Car Battery

You can even use baking soda to fix issues in your car. A vehicle’s battery eventually runs out. If it is dead though, there’s a good chance that a buildup of grime caused this to happen quicker than hoped. If you give your car battery a good clean with baking soda and water, then you’ll get a bit more time and value out of it. The key is to clean the battery’s terminals after turning it off and taking it out.

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It Can Clean Your Car Battery

A Unique Dry Shampoo

Let’s face it: maintaining one’s hair can be quite tedious. It requires daily attention and we might spend our entire life trying to find the perfect product for it. However, one should consider applying some baking soda as a cheap, dry shampoo for those days when you’re too tired to give your hair a thorough wash. It is believed that it can remove excess oil from your scalp. Just take a bit of baking soda and rub it throughout your scalp.

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A Unique Dry Shampoo