Tori Roloff Makes Devastating Family Announcement
One of the most popular reality television shows on TLC was Little People, Big World. This show followed the lives of the Roloff family as they navigated the ups and downs of life. In the latter part of last year, Tori and Zach Roloff brought a beautiful little bundle of joy into the world. But this happy event was followed by a devastating family announcement. If you’re not familiar with the story of these two young people, keep reading, and we will walk you through it as well as bring you up to date on the two and their family.
Potential Consequences
Zach and Tori had been dating for four years when Zach finally proposed. The answer was a resounding yes even though Tori knew starting a life and family with Zach was going to present some challenges.
Tough Tori was aware of these challenges, she had no idea how big the dangers and obstacles would be. She even said in an interview that she thought the couple’s story was pretty unique. Exciting and terrifying all at once.
Let’s Try
Once the couple tied the knot, they began to talk about starting a family. Both Tori and Zach were adamant that they wanted to build a family, but both were very honest about the risk that this entailed.
They knew that the chance of health complications was there, but even with that, they decided the risk was worth the reward. So the couple began trying to get pregnant. This, however, was the first step on a long and tumultuous road.
First Child
It didn’t take long for the two to find out that they were expecting. Nine months after Tori Roloff gave birth and became a mom for the very first time. This was an exciting event in her and Zach’s life. Like any other couple, they were nervous about raising a child.
But unlike many of their friends and family that had already brought life into the world, they had more to worry about.
Genetic Traits
Zach and several of his family all live with dwarfism, and this brings extra difficulties to surmount. Not only with daily activities but with their health. Zach himself had to go through many surgeries as he grew up.
His dad, Matthew, requires even more attention due to the form of dwarfism he was born with. Zach’s mom Amy on the other hand, hasn’t had as many health concerns as the two men. Even with all that, though, it is incredible the amount of and type of work they were able to manage.