Hilarious Airport Pickup Signs Captured on Camera

Arriving at the airport after being away from home for a significant amount of time can be quite emotional, especially if you know there is someone special waiting for you once you get through customs. Here are the best welcome home signs.

No Commander? Go Commando

Being away from your kids is something that is hard for every mother, but returning to a welcome sign reading “we are out of underwear and we don’t even have any on” could cushion the blow.


Says It All

Some smiles could melt your heart, just as the ecstatic one featured on the face of this little girl. It is clear she wanted nothing more than to welcome her mom with a sign she made especially for this long-awaited moment – the moment of her return. In most cases it is the thought that counts, meaning that even if the sign didn’t come out as beautiful as she intended, at least she had the best intentions. However, in her case, the unreadable sign is even better.


Trust No One

We are going to place our bets on the fact this woman did not get the memo that some things should not be announced to the entire world. Considering the fact she just outed her friend by holding up a sign that reads, in capital letters, “congratulation on completing rehab,” it is best to take into account that she should most likely not be trusted with personal information. That way, next time you need a ride, maybe it’d be best not to share where you’re coming back from.


Cereal Killer

Perhaps there should be a rule in every household stating that from a certain age, kids should leave the house. This guy had certainly overstayed his visit, although it was nice of him to come pick up his parents from the airport when they asked. On the other hand, we seriously doubt this is what his old folks had in mind when they asked him to make the gesture, having to walk off the plane to their adult son in his grown-up onesie.
