These Images Alone Will Make You Fear The Ocean

If we thought a lot was happening on land, we would be taken by surprise to discover what lies beneath the water. With the vast size of the ocean, there is a whole world waiting that we haven’t discovered, but these images may put you off from wanting to.

Mind The Ray

While this woman may be trying to be zen in the ocean alongside a manta ray, we are unsure as to how she feels peace next to such a massive creature. While they are peaceful creatures, they can become aggressive when bothered. Let’s hope she’s zen enough!


Is That A Fin…?

Many people think renting a kayak and heading out to sea is a good morning activity. It can be fun, relaxing, and even work as a workout all at the same time. While this may sound appealing and harmless, sometimes this can take a seriously unexpected turn when a massive shark starts to trail behind the kayak. It’s perhaps the last thing you want to see when sitting in a kayak in the middle of the sea, and this guy would have had to think quickly while out alone.


Bottomless Pit

It seems that this lady was up for some risks one afternoon when her casual swim in the ocean turned into a quick cave dive. Not only is she just in a bikini and not the full diving gear, but it also looks as though this risk taker has gone down without an oxygen tank. The thought of diving in a cave is frightening enough for us, but going to such depths without a breathing apparatus leaves us wth so many questions.


Not Ideal For Snorkeling

Sometimes going for a refreshing swim can be completely ruined when this beast makes an appearance. A relaxing and refreshing activity could become completely stressful and scary if a whale shark such as this is seen swimming next to you. After all, a whale shark is the largest non-cetacean animal and a typical adult male measures 32 feet long and weighs up to 20,000 pounds. With their mouths being equally as big, at almost 5 feet wide and containing 350 sharp teeth, this creature should be avoided at all costs.
