These Images Alone Will Make You Fear The Ocean

While life underwater can seem to be a beautiful and mysterious place, many incidents have proven that it can also be a very dangerous and harmful one. That certainly has not stopped the many scuba divers, surfers, and swimmers out there from exploring the vast, big ocean, but these pictures may make them re-think doing so. You have probably heard of the one or two incidents that have occurred while a swimmer was out at sea, but there are many more creatures and underwater dangers that have been encountered in people's lives.

Mind The Ray

From the Great White Shark to the creatures that lurk in the deep water, there are many times people have had a surprising and unexpected visitor join them on their journey.


While this woman may be trying to be zen in the ocean alongside a giant manta ray, we are unsure as to how she feels peace next to such a massive creature. While they are generally peaceful creatures, they can become aggressive when bothered. Let's hope she's zen enough!

Going Deep

Exploring the hidden treasures under the sea can be an exhilarating experience, but entering a cave underwater can also be a scary one. Compared to the big, wide ocean, humans are just minuscule creatures who can get lost underneath the surface's waves.


Many brave divers are known to risk their lives for the thrill of adventure in the sea year after year. However, while this may be appealing to them, we see this as one big, scary thought and an idea we'd never be willing to do.

Is That A Fin...?

Many people think renting a kayak and heading out to sea is a good morning activity. It can be fun, relaxing, and even work as a workout all at the same time.


While this may sound appealing and harmless, sometimes this can take a seriously unexpected turn when a massive shark starts to trail behind the kayak. It's perhaps the last thing you want to see when sitting in a kayak in the middle of the sea, and this guy would have had to think quickly while out alone.

Bottomless Pit

It seems that this lady was up for some risks one afternoon when her casual swim in the ocean turned into a quick cave dive. Not only is she just in a bikini and not the full diving gear, but it also looks as though this risk taker has gone down without an oxygen tank.


The thought of diving in a cave is frightening enough for us, but going to such depths without a breathing apparatus leaves us wth so many questions.